Friday, November 5, 2010

fat crap.

Dear G,


OK Bye.

It is supposed to snow this weekend leaving today my last opportunity to hike up to the Bossons glacier.

I know… hike! I am only in it for the view. My last hiking adventure, if we remember was the hardest thing I have ever done.

This was equally as hard. Actually it was steeper.

Recently my sister called me a fat crap. (you know which one you are!) This is partly true. Pizza is a regular in my ‘diet’. I have eaten it at least once a week, home made or bought, since about November last year. I worked in a pizza shop as well so becoming soft a squishy was a given. I am also unfit…. like I can’t walk up ten stairs without losing my breathe type unfit.

In ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, where Felipe and Liz are swimming, he says to her, "from a distance you are slim and slender but up close you are round and squishy." – That’s me all over.

So basically what I am trying to say here is that my ass needed a good work out today.

While I was climbing the only words going through my head were. I am not a fat crap… you are! That and the fact that I had already set out to climb this mountain, I couldn’t quit now. Could I?

The view from the top was amazing. I actually felt a little scared of the height while walking towards the ledge to grab a snap shot. Probably because of the two warning signs. The first saying interdit, (which I believe means forbidden) and the second was a picture of the little green man, only he was white and falling off a cliff. Poor guy, it would have been a mighty drop.

The way down took half the time and was triple the fun. I felt like I was flying. I jumped of every ledge, letting my hoodie flap in the breeze behind me… lol … idiot. I know, but there was absolutely no one else around, I could have sang my favourite tunes from Glee and no one would have told me to shut up.

Anyway I feel good after my hike.

(2 minutes in.)

(10 minutes in.)

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