Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Dear G,
People here are nice.
OK Bye,

Sitting in a bar surrounded by men, sport and beer is not an ideal way for me to spend a Saturday night. Also, the man I sat next to growled at me. Who does that? It is not very welcoming, but I am a tourist so maybe that is his game plan? Growl at the tourists and they will disappear?

Despite the growl, striking up a conversation with him seemed more interesting than soccer, not to mention his friend had a puppy!

Of course we talked about food. What else is there to talk about? I asked him questions like, where is your favourite place to eat? Where can I get a BBQ chicken? Where shouldn’t I eat? You know, just the usual stuff. His advice was to cook it myself and with that he left.

“Here you go, I bought you a chicken.”

Music to my ears!

He had returned with a BBQ chicken for me, on the condition that I didn’t share it with anyone.

I agreed and placed my chicken securely in my bag for later. There is truly nothing better than the gift of a BBQ chicken while having a few drinks.

This RAOK (Random act of kindness) made me laugh.

Wake up Sydney is an organisation dedicated to the kindness revolution. Turning RAOK's into a simple game of pay-it-forward. They suggest you could start by paying for coffee of the person in line behind you at the cafe and in turn hopefully that person will pay-it-forward.

"The feeling is magical!"

If you want to take things further you can order your free 'kindness cards' to indicate a ROAKing to the RAOK'd and encourage them to do the same.

I am pretty sure this man didn't mean to RAOK me, but buying a stranger a chicken ticks all the boxes.

I like magic, so I will see what I can come up with.

(pic we heart it.)


  1. what happened to the chicken?

  2. what a legend!
    i totally ordered those cards...have yet to use them. oops!
    loz x
