Thursday, October 28, 2010


Dear G,
I really hate seeing kids pee in public.
Ok bye.

(picture from weheartit.)

I am walking along minding my own business when suddenly my eyes are a forced to view an image of something urinating in public. A dog? No, it’s actually a child. I find a child squatting in public disgusting. I have seen them pee on and in; car parks, poles in the street, plants, pavements and pool areas. I understand that they are just children and desperate times call for desperate measures but come on! I saw a little girl squatting on a pole along a major shopping street in Berlin.

In the last few weeks I have come from Berlin, a city that doesn’t mind if you relive yourself in public, to Amsterdam which is completely against it and finally to Brussels who's national monument is of what I despise - A little boy pissing.

(This is charming)

At least they have the decency to clothe him. This little boy statue has around 800 outfits to choose from, can you imagine have that many outfits??

In Brussels I tried nutty bakery treats, was briefly robbed in Mcdonalds, had all you can eat Pizza Hut, wondered around looking at shops and street art and found a beer that I actaully liked. All in all it was an eventful day!

Best nut snacks in the world.

Moeder Lambic - The beer specialists.

46 beers on tap and as the guide map says “these guys are walking beer encyclopedias.” This is no exaggeration. The bartender could describe and talk about every beer on tap, its flavour and before during and after tastes. Or you could describe what flavours you like and he will suggest something.

I had a Fruitee sucree – sweet & fruity and it was delicious.

Lachie had Blanches – White and wheat.

It had a hint of passion fruit or lyche but a horrible beer taste. Very sour.

We were given these to chew with our beer. They taste like nothing at first but have a kind of nutella after taste... not too bad.

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