Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poor but Sexy.

Dear G,

I've said it before but this time I mean it. Berlin is my favourite place. For now anyway.

Ok bye.

1. Prostitution in legal however pimps are not.

2. Drinking in public places is fine.

3. Urinating in public is tolerated as long it isn't on a monument or something.

All this said you must NOT cross the road until the little green man says.

The police are likely to yell at you. (so I’m told) Or you might be lucky enough to have a mother call you over to explain to her child why you do not cross the road until the little green man says it's OK. There are lots of children in Berlin and you need to set a good example.

Berlin is a weird crazy, easy breezy, fantastic city. So full of history, art and stories. Time really does fly when you are having fun! “Every day feels like Sunday and every night a Saturday night.” There is so much to do. No matter how long you are in Berlin, it isn't enough.

Yes, Berlin is poor, about 63 billion Euros poor but its OK because it is nice to look at. As their Mayor Klaus Wowereit said “Berlin: arm aber sexy”. I love this. You can even buy the t-shirt.

Something I found strange was that Berlin is built to accommodate about 7 million people however about 3 million currently call Berlin home. This means that about one in every four buildings are empty. Including an amusement park in East Berlin. Owners of the amusement park were sending rides to Peru for servicing. However, at the same time they were also transporting drugs in the magic carpet ride. They are now in jail and the park is completely deserted.

(pics from we heart it)

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