Sunday, October 17, 2010

Squatters in Berlin

Dear G,

Kunsthouse Tacheles, an artist squat. Yes is smelled like piss and pot but it was still a cool place to see.

Ok bye.

Located in the former Jewish quarter. Tacheles has had many purposes. Entrance to a shopping mall, marketing space, administration space by the Nazi party, storage and shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall the building was discovered and taken over by a group of young artists, becoming an illegal squat.

They entered into a 10 year lease agreement with the building owner which ended in December 2008. Artists refusing to vacate are now squatting again.

Tacheles also houses studios, gallery space, bar, restaurant and a shop selling artist’s work.

I found a video on youtube that gives a little inside guided tour so you can see for yourself.HERE

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