Friday, October 1, 2010

Suicidal Moo Moo's in Lauterbrunnen.

It is peculiar the things you hanker for when convenience is taken out of the leisure can.

There are things that I miss, that I need! Things that campsites and carrying my belongings on my back don’t accommodate for.

Like having a fridge to put milk in, ‘borrowing’ clothes from your sisters when you are sick to death of your own or knowing where to find chocolate ice cream with cookie dough and maltesers. But right now I’m missing the power to create warmth at the flick of a switch.

(From we heart it)

We would have to be the only eejits stupid enough to camp in Switzerland this time of year. (Probably not but we were the only ones camping in Lauterbrunnen) I didn't know what cold was until I found myself sleeping in a tent surrounded by glaciers.

(From we heart it)

One pair of socks, two pairs of leggings, one thermal, two t-shirts, two jumpers, one beanie and one pair of gloves. This was my night time attire.

Someone please tell me why I didn’t pack any winter clothes???

Just so that you know, I was still cold.

On the up there was a waterfall at our tent flap!

(pic from we heart it)

All that chilly willy business aside Lauterbrunnen is my favourite. It was my second time and I loved it even more than the first. If hiking or hurling ones self off a cliff doesn’t tickle a fancy that is OK! there are waterfalls to investigate plus a fantastic cafĂ© on the main street that serves the most amazing everything.

Wondering around the valley

(Pic from we heart it)

I couldn’t stop looking at the cows.

EVERY cow had a bell around its neck and some were suited up with a plastic flower arrangement on their head.

I had to photograph practically every Moo Moo.

I’m not sure if it was lust or pity.

Obviously pity! I don't lust after cows!

I felt sorry for them having big bells tied around their neck. The constant ringing would be enough to send anyone leaping off a cliff.

In recent years it has been quite common for cows to leap off the cliffs in Lauterbrunnen. Piles of them have been found. Don’t believe me? Read this.




A cow market in the car park. Poor cows were petrified.

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